Close encounters of the third (culture) ki(n)d

Poem about first date

It started more like an academic discussion
Me throwing in stats and facts and pseudo-sciences nonsense

Amusing yet strenuous
You and your analytical proposition to a broken-hearted man theory
Your approach to the purpose of life
And fascinating things around us which at the same time we both found frustrating

I was trying to assess you; what kind of person you were
A lad who wasn’t afraid of taking a major leap of faith growing up
A seaman coming from a family of sailors
Trailing the coasts of French Guiana, Réunion Island, New Caledonia
A nomad traveling the world with nothing but a backpack
A man who didn’t have a place he called home

“It’s not a colony, it’s an overseas department,” you argued
I nodded yet I disagreed

Yes, I kept my thought in my head
I was holding on to them so I could let them out at my convenience
Which might or might not alarm you
Which didn’t stop you from over analyzing me
Which obviously annoyed you, hence you were venting in French rambling

It wasn’t a bad impression
It was me trying to savor every single moment while it last

I was simply having a good time: J’ai passé un bon moment