For my future partner

Poem about future partner

I want to find you. I want to search for you since my time is running out. I don’t want to meet you when I only have years left. I want to spend the rest of my life loving you, treating myself by treating you right.

I long for the day we host dinner party for our friends. For your siblings. For my colleagues. When we’ve known each other well enough. When our friends have known us well enough.

When we’re engaged but not to get married. Because we don’t believe in marriage but we believe in commitment. When I’m no longer afraid of settling down. When you told me you want kids and I said yes just because I want you to be content.

I want to give you my all and I won’t regret every single one of them. I want to give you my heart as if I have a thousand of them. As if you won’t let it breaks. As if you know exactly how to keep it and take care of it.

If I ever meet you, I will suffocate you with my affection. I will keep you close to me and never let you go.

Will you think I’m a sick and twisted person? Will you be afraid of me? Intimidated by me?

I hope not. I surely hope not.