My overly attached girlfriend

Poem about overly attached girlfriend

I once had an overly attached girlfriend
She lived in my cupboard
She slept under my bed
She bathed in my basement
And she hid in my attic

My overly attached girlfriend sent me a love letter once
Inside a bloody envelope
Whose blood I’d never known

I didn’t know why she became an overly attached girlfriend
Probably because she saw me kissing someone else in a long narrow hall
And then I killed that person with a stab in the chest
And then I left the person cold

She saw what happened I know she did
So one night she became an overly attached girlfriend just like that

Some nights she crawled out of her cupboard and sat on it staring at me
I had never dare to look her in the face

Some other nights she was behind me
and I could feel her breathing down my neck

I tried to open up my eyes and grabbed a mirror next to my bed
and held the mirror up so I could see what her face looked like

She was…